eProtein Discovery

We fast-track getting your protein with eProtein Discovery™

eProtein Discovery

Accelerating construct design, expression, solubility, characterisation, and purification of target proteins for your drug discovery programmes.

Protein expression and production is often the starting point for drug discovery campaigns and finding the optimal conditions can be challenging, especially for under-investigated or novel protein targets. The Domainex team are experts in the production and purification of proteins

​​Protein expression and production is often the starting point for drug discovery campaigns

AlphaFold seamlessly integrated into eProtein Discovery cloud software to guide experimental design to improve protein outcomes.

Cell-free Protein Services:

  • eGene™ construct design
  • Expression and purification
  • Protein scale up
  • Protein activity testing

Comprehensive reporting:

  • Excel, CSV files
  • Gel documentation
  • Activity readouts

Domainex is the only contract research organisation (CRO) in the world with an eProtein DiscoveryTM instrument from Nuclera. Our team of highly experienced protein scientists have undertaken extensive training, enabling them to apply the instrument to your drug discovery programmes. eProtein Discovery expresses difficult to obtain protein, enabling our scientists to efficiently test and optimise expression conditions.

eProtein Discovery expresses difficult to obtain protein

  • Tests 192 expression conditions in parallel 
  • Can produce non-canonical protein