Andrew Leech - Director, Industry Engagement, Queensland University of Technology
Domainex were great to work with, knowledge and experience were first rate, the project was carried out in a timely manner, and they were happy to assist with follow up questions, and tailor the outputs to exactly what we needed.
Dr Julie Cherrington – Board Member, Que Oncology

Domainex have been able to flexibly resource our program to deliver high quality results in a timely and efficient manner. They have coordinated provision of a complex biophysical and biochemical data package to allow compound progression decisions to be rapidly made.
Dr David Moffat - Chief Technology officer, Macrophage Pharma

Macrophage Pharma places a high value on the integrated drug discovery services provided by Domainex. The quality of medicinal chemistry support from hit ID through to candidate nomination is extremely high, supported by excellent discovery biology and analytical functions. In a number of instances Domainex were able to provide bespoke high content cellular assays adding significant value to our projects.
Dr Jack Kennefick - Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Tagomics

We have been really impressed with the service at Domainex, from initial discussion to delivery of the project. The Domainex team are attentive, well organised, and knowledgeable. They always take the time to understand our exact needs and consistently deliver high-quality results, in a time efficient manner.
Professor Martin Griffin - Aston University

We have been working with Domainex for a number of years now. They have always been highly professional, efficient and importantly as enthusiastic and dedicated to the work as we have been which is a good recipe for success.
Dr Richard Voellmy - CEO and CSO, HSF Pharmaceuticals SA, Switzerland
We have been working with Domainex for almost 15 years. During this time, Domainex has been our key partner for computational chemistry (LeadBuilder virtual screening and target evaluation) and lead compound improvement chemistry. The Domainex team has always been proactive, highly professional, easy to work with and has greatly benefitted our programs through its deep computational chemistry knowledge and its excellent synthetic chemistry skills. Perhaps the best testament to our successful collaboration is our joint publication in NAR (DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx194). We certainly intend to continue this partnership.
Dr Neil Miller – Auspherix

What technical expertise has Domainex been able to provide you?
Auspherix operates a semi-virtual drug discovery model and, following a rigorous search, selected Domainex as our preferred partner to provide medicinal chemistry support. This choice was based on the specific synthetic and analytical chemistry expertise Domainex offers, and on the belief that the two organisations shared similar philosophies and could work effectively together.
What have been the key ingredients to a successful partnership with Domainex?
The full integration of the Domainex scientists into the project team has been crucial. They have shown real commitment to the project and have been instrumental in helping solve a number of key scientific challenges we have faced over the last 2-3 years. Their passion to do the very best science and to help achieve the project’s objectives has been very clear from the start.
Dr Neil Weir – formerly Senior Vice President, Discovery Research UCB

The partnership with Domainex has been invaluable for our MEK discovery program. Successful collaborations, such as this, are a key part of UCB’s innovative and cutting-edge research. We hope that the novel class of MEK inhibitors which the UCB team discovered will bring benefits to patients.
Dr Andrew Lightfoot – CEO, Procarta Ltd.

Procarta has used Domainex synthetic and analytical services extensively and found the scientists to be highly skilled and professional, delivering to time, quality and budget.
In particular, the analytical department have responded to our time bound requests readily and have determined bioanalytical methods that have frustrated other suppliers.
The UK location has allowed prompt face to face discussions, problem solving and decision making, making Domainex an integral member of our project team.
Professor Michael Schneider – Imperial College

What was the key challenge of the project, and why did you choose to work with Domainex?
A principal challenge for us, seeking an inhibitor of a protein kinase that mediates human cardiac muscle cell death, was that most ATP competitive inhibitors are very promiscuous. We needed to improve our tool compound’s bioavailability, without sacrificing potency and selectivity. Domainex are experienced with other kinase targets, and their emphasis on structure-guided medicinal chemistry was indispensable to my success.
How would you describe working with the team at Domainex?
For me, partnering with Domainex was nothing short of ideal. The skill set, alacrity, knowledge base, effort, responsiveness and effectiveness of all team members is superb, at every level of seniority. I always look forward to our monthly project team meetings, and learn from them immensely.
What was the successful outcome of the project?
We successfully created novel small-molecule inhibitors of the stress-activated protein kinase MAP4K4, which inhibit the death of human heart muscle cells grown in the lab and successfully suppress the damage caused by heart attacks in mice. Our collaboration has resulted in £7M of Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery support.
Would you work with Domainex on future projects?
I would gladly work with Domainex again and indeed have a nascent collaboration that was just funded. Ready, willing, and very, very able.
Professor Alan Ashworth – Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)

The Domainex team went far beyond our expectations of a service provider. They were proactive, knowledgeable, and true partners in what we were trying to achieve. I would work with them again without hesitation.